Monday, April 19, 2010

Wow...I'm really good at this....

Ok, so a LOT has happened in the last 7ish months. Although, most of it has to do with being completely busy with classes and school work, and now working two jobs outside of my full-time student schedule. So, I'm just going to skip over all that and go straight to my excitement....

I'm going to be an aunt!!! I'm so excited I could pee my pants a little! I'm so excited for Nathan and Bobbie. They're going to be amazing parents, and I'm going to be the best aunt in the history of the world. I can't believe how excited I am. I've been watching friends and family from a distance have kids and start their own wonderful families, but now I get to see it up close and personal from within my own immediate family. :) Can't stop smiling!

Ok, so that was the big news...the rest is boring. Just school and work. I still love Lincoln, and I can't believe I'm already halfway through my master's degree. Wow. And by the way, I'm scared to death to be less than a year from now taking my comps. Ick.

Alright, so I'm pretty sure I won't get better at this blogging thing, but if you're lucky (whoever 'you' are) I'll at least post a bunch of pics of baby "Nabo" in October!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Weekend

Ok, so I've been a little busy and a little bad at keeping up on here. Since no one knows about this blog yet, I don't really feel so bad! Last weekend was Joe and Tara's wedding, so I wasn't around Lincoln, but I'm here this weekend, and it's even Labor Day. It's also the end of the state fair, so I think I'll have to go out there tomorrow for a bit. I really need to see what it's all about. That will be weird, since I've never even gone to Iowa's state fair in my entire life of being an Iowan! Anyway, I've mostly just been lazy. Got a little around the house stuff done, and I've been sleeping as much as I've wanted. I still don't have a living room yet, but my furniture will hopefully be delivered Wednesday, so I'll stick it out a while longer. I'm also supposed to be getting my cable next weekend, so we'll see how that goes. Overall, Lincoln gets a big thumbs up from me. I'm really enjoying my classes, and even enjoy the homework....most of the time. I'm sure I will have a nervous breakdown before midterm, but until then, woo hoo, grad school rocks!!!!!!!! Ok, so I'll be putting pictures of the wedding up, as well as some pics of my new digs, as soon as it's all put together and worthy of pictures. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I'm all moved in!  Thanks to Dad, Nathan, Bobbie, Gabe (from the Iowa City side) and MOM (who leaves today).  I definitely couldn't and wouldn't have wanted to do it alone!  I'm definitely not completely unpacked, but it's getting there.  Mom is working on my budget, and I'm still trying to get ahold of my advisor to schedule my classes.  It's a little frustrating, but I think I have it figured out...just need him to sign off on it.  

I've already made some new friends too!  One happened the first day I moved in.  My neighbor wanted to meet me and we got to chatting and found out we're both grad students in the music dept!  She's in History, so she's my new tutor...even if she doesn't know it yet!  But she's been here throughout her undergrad and is from Lincoln too, so she knows the ropes.  Very nice to have her as a friend and neighbor.  We met some others on Monday at testing day and went out to lunch.  I'm feeling like I kind of fit here.  And it's nice!  I'm attaching a few pics today too...just of the new digs and moving day.  More to come!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Beginning

So, it hit me today while I was working at Hobby Lobby, that tomorrow is my last day living in Iowa, for a minimum of 2 years. And it totally scared me. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about this new step in my life. I'm excited to be out, really on my own. But don't be mistaken, I'm pretty darn scared and sad to leave the state I was born and raised in. Ok, it's not really the state, it's the people and how close and convenient I was to home. I'll now be 5 hours from home, a distance I'm not excited about traveling alone very often. What a strange mix of emotions. In a way, I feel like a college freshman again...and I guess I am. So anyway, the point is, if I can't be around as much as I have been, I can at least share my life like this. I've never been diligent about writing in a diary either, so I may not do well at keeping up, but it's better than nothing right? So here ya go ya''s a glimpse into my new life as a Nebraskan!